One storey my a(s)s

Join me on a typographical adventure sparked by a High Sierra upgrade! »
Author's profile picture Tamas Lustyik

MockSix + Sourcery: Happily Ever After?

MockSix mocks are compact but still require writing some boilerplate. In this post, I'm setting out to see how much of that could be automated. »
Author's profile picture Tamas Lustyik

Abusing reflection in Swift

Even though Swift's reflection API is somewhat limited, it can still help reduce the boilerplate in some cases. Kids, don't try this at home. »
Author's profile picture Tamas Lustyik

Lightweight Object Mocking in Swift

Unit testing in Swift is not as smooth as it was in the ObjC times: creating mock objects without writing a lot of boilerplate is a challenge in itself. Can we make it suck less? »
Author's profile picture Tamas Lustyik

Realm – Use Now, Commit Yourself Later

Avoiding technological lock-in while testdriving the Realm database aka. how to have your cake and eat it too? »
Author's profile picture Tamas Lustyik